"Deferum 05" automatic flushing
Technological process of installations "Deferum"
Initial water enters Deferum with a minimum pressure of 0.30 atm. Then the pump delivers water to the air degasser and filter, where insoluble impurities are filtered, and the ions of impurities participate in the biological, sorption, ion-exchange and chemical process of water purification and (or) additional purification. Purified water enters the reservoir of pure water (RFW), from where it is pumped for consumption (under pressure of 3.0 atm.). The filter is rinsed automatically (unit rinsing sensor). Clean water from the RFV is directed downward and quickly flushes out impurities from the filter and removes it through a hydrosiphon to a place designated by the owner or to the sewer (without damage to the septic tank). Then the unit is automatically included in a new water purification cycle.
"Deferum 05"
Thanks to its closed design, the unit will fit into the interior of any cottage or hotel. The big advantage is the low noise and ease of operation of the installation. Recommended for residential buildings, cottages, small businesses and hotels.

Water purification

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